filigrana peruana
la palabra filigrana proviene de dos voces latinas: filumm que significa hilo, y granum que significa grano.
Siguiendo esta definicion nominal la palabra filigrana significa:"hilo granulado".
descripcion que surge por la apariencia granulada que suele presentar la superficie de algunas piezas clasicas
la filigrana hay que entenderla a partir de cuatro nociones fundamentales:hilo,soldadura,union y trasluz.
una de las caracteristicas mas destacadas de la filigrana de plata es la paciencia que exige, la suma precision y aguda vision para que el producto se asemeje a un encaje y para que tenga la firmeza dentro de las suaves lineas y sus formas,alcanzando un gran movimiento y plasticidad.
Catacaos silver filigree
Posted by Devon at 8:46 aguirre Jhonn 0 comments Email Post a blog Share on Twitter Share with Facebook Share with Google Buzz
Wednesday January 19, 2011
Peruvian filigree
watermark word comes from two Latin words: filumm which means thread, and granum meaning grain.
Following this definition the word nominal watermark means "hilo grain. "
description that emerges from the grainy appearance which often shows the surface of some classical pieces
the watermark must be understood from four basic notions: thread, welding, union and light.
one of the most outstanding characteristics of silver filigree is patience required, the total precision and sharp vision for the product resembles a fit and to have the strength in the soft lines and forms, reaching a high movement and plasticity.
Siguiendo esta definicion nominal la palabra filigrana significa:"hilo granulado".
descripcion que surge por la apariencia granulada que suele presentar la superficie de algunas piezas clasicas
la filigrana hay que entenderla a partir de cuatro nociones fundamentales:hilo,soldadura,union y trasluz.
una de las caracteristicas mas destacadas de la filigrana de plata es la paciencia que exige, la suma precision y aguda vision para que el producto se asemeje a un encaje y para que tenga la firmeza dentro de las suaves lineas y sus formas,alcanzando un gran movimiento y plasticidad.
Catacaos silver filigree
Posted by Devon at 8:46 aguirre Jhonn 0 comments Email Post a blog Share on Twitter Share with Facebook Share with Google Buzz
Wednesday January 19, 2011
Peruvian filigree
watermark word comes from two Latin words: filumm which means thread, and granum meaning grain.
Following this definition the word nominal watermark means "hilo grain. "
description that emerges from the grainy appearance which often shows the surface of some classical pieces
the watermark must be understood from four basic notions: thread, welding, union and light.
one of the most outstanding characteristics of silver filigree is patience required, the total precision and sharp vision for the product resembles a fit and to have the strength in the soft lines and forms, reaching a high movement and plasticity.
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